Being trapped inside doesn’t mean you can’t treat yourself…
Cambridgeshire Wine School is launching a new online wine tasting class, in partnership with The school has collaborated with the website to curate a special selection of half-sized wines (so you don’t need to open loads of full-sized bottles), which are available to buy with 10% discount from
The classes promise to deliver Cambridgeshire Wine School‘s fun and informative style of learning, with no previous wine tasting experience required. In the first week, tasting wines will include red and white wines from Burgundy, as well as wines made from the same grapes from New World regions like Australia, New Zealand and California. The online sessions should help you to develop your tasting skills, enabling you to identify the characteristics of each wine and compare tasting experiences with other participants. But most of all, they will be fun!
The online sessions should help you to develop your tasting skills, enabling you to identify the characteristics of each wine and compare tasting experiences with other participants. But most of all, they will be fun!
You can join one of the hour-long virtual wine tasting classes on either a midweek evening or over the weekend, so there’s sure to be a session time that works for you. Join in with just one of the classes – and sample three of the tasting wines – or go for both to get extra discount on your booking. The sessions will be run on Cambridgeshire Wine School‘s online classroom, and will be available to access through any PC, laptop or mobile device.
If you’re interested in taking part in the classes, head to Cambridgeshire Wine School‘s website to find full details. Make sure to order your wines in advance; they usually take five days to arrive, and the first classes are due to run next week.