Bringing you top new fiction picks, author interviews, discounts and lots more book chat, the Edition Book Club is a partnership with Cambridge Literary Festival and Heffers A Perfect Mother by...
Bringing you top new fiction picks, author interviews, discounts and lots more book chat, the Edition Book Club is a partnership with Cambridge Literary Festival and Heffers Take Nothing With You by...
Literary indulgences with a local twist, Ruthie Collins shares her top holiday must-reads The Versions of Us by Laura Barnett A perfect summer read, this novel offers vintage Cambridge-set fiction with...
On 17 January, in the rather magnificent Ely Cathedral, spend an evening in the company of John Simpson, whose distinguished career as a BBC war correspondent has spanned more than...
Love a good murder mystery novel? Pop along to Heffers on Trinity Street on 14 July, when the bookshop will once again host its summer crime fiction party. Running from...
In the bicentenary year of The Little Port Riots, Vanessa Blackledge visits Jill Dawson to discuss her novel, 'The Tell-Tale Heart', which recounts this almost-forgotten story Driving across The Fens...
Heffers bookshop is hosting a variety of talks and signings this month, find out more here Kicking off with Alison Bruce’s latest Cambridge crime thriller The Promise on 2 February,...
Jenny Shelton speaks to authors Laura Robson Brown and Katherine Mann about their magical Christmas feline adventures Two mischievous cats have lately appeared in Cambridge – one is black and...
Author of Winter is coming, a companion piece to Game of Thrones, Carolyne Larrington is speaking at Heffers on 2 December Obsessed with of Game of Thrones? Find...
Colouring books for adults are all the rage: why let the kids have all the fun? Just out is The Cambridge Colouring Book by Katherine Lees, an artist who grew...